Local Author, Abby Vega, Makes National Impact
(Ponte Vedra Beach, FL) Since launching her book Sno-Cone diaries, local Ponte Vedra Beach author Abby Vega is getting lots of regional and national attention.
Sno-Cone Diaries was published in December 2016. Since her book was released, Vega has sold several hundred copies while gaining recognition from Wall Street Best Selling Author, Jon Gordon, CEO of Banfi Vinters, Cristina Mariani-May, and president and founder of Jacksonville’s Woman’s Worth LLC, Jeannette Bajalia.
"Abby Vega gives us a wonderful gift with her new and inspiring memoir and it's wrapped with authentic and transparent heartfelt emotions and personal stories. I gave it to my wife to read and she loved it” stated Jon Gordon.
According to Woman’s Worth, Jeannette Bajalia, “Abby Vega totally embodies the concepts of total well-being by having her financial health in good hands, preserving her physical health through diet and exercise, and has taken the third component of emotional well-being purpose, passion and social connections to a whole new level with her sno-cone experience, writing her first book The Sno-Cone Diaries at 57, and her adventurous spirit and openness to try her hand at any and all that life throws her way. She is a courageous, kind, creative, generous, and gracious woman. She is indeed one of a kind.”
Co-CEO of Banfi Vinters stated, “It touched me deeply and lifted up my spirits to remind me that happiness comes from within us and we create our own sense of value.”
Sno-Cone Diaries is the summation of Vega’s life as a middle-aged woman who despite having it all (a great husband, two wonderful children, a successful career, friends and a beautiful home) realized that on the inside she was lost, sad, lonely, and unhappy. In her book, Vega’s goal is to inspire women to pursue their dreams, ignite their passions, and follow their own path to bliss.
In efforts to reach more women with her personal testament, Vega has had the opportunity to inspire thousands of women between book signings and motivational speaking engagements.
Vega’s most recent engagement was with a group of 600 Plexus Worldwide Ambassadors thru Diamond level Associates, a company known for selling superior nutrition, weight management, personal care, fitness, and supplements.
“When I was younger, there weren’t opportunities like Plexus to be a stay at home mom and make the kind of money I was making. It was a great opportunity to motivate these women to become the diamonds they were meant to be. A diamond doesn’t start out sparkling and brilliant, but with enough force (being life’s daily challenges) and over time, it becomes extraordinary! “Be the diamond in someone’s life” according to Vega.