Abby's Diary: In Three...Two...One
In three…two…one my lifelong dreams of authoring and publishing a book came true as I sat first in the “green room” and then on a live...
Abby’s Diary: Evocative
e-voc-a-tive – adjective Tending or having the power to evoke a strong reaction, response, or feeling. This week I was blessed to have a won
Local author bringing hope and inspiration to hundreds of women
“I am the seed of the future on which your life depends. It is my strength, durability, and flexibility to bend. The fruit of my vine...
Melting the ice: local author chronicles adventures aboard a snow-cone truck
Author Abby Vega was traveling down the long stretch between Ponte Vedra Beach and Huntsville aboard a colorful snow cone truck just...
Abby's Diary: Transition
Tran*si*tion – Noun The process or period of changing from one state or condition to another Synonyms change, transformation, move, PAIN!...
Ponte Vedra Beach author shares sweet road to happiness
Abby Vega found happiness through a Sno-Cone truck. The Ponte Vedra Beach resident retired from her sales and marketing vice president...
First Coast Connect: Local Author Finds Happiness In ‘Sno-cones’
It’s the little things in life that matter the most, like sno-cones. That’s what local author Abby Vega talks about in her memoir...
Local Author, Abby Vega, Makes National Impact
(Ponte Vedra Beach, FL) Since launching her book Sno-Cone diaries, local Ponte Vedra Beach author Abby Vega is getting lots of regional...
Read the diary of Fortune 500 Sr. Corporate Executive, Abby Vega
(Ponte Vedra Beach, FL) After more than 35 years working in sales and marketing with major Fortune 500 companies, Abby Vega was...
Old Ponte Beach resident and ex corporate executive Abby Vega has recently published her first book, Sno-Cone Diaries. In her memoir, she...